The Competitiveness of the Capital Cities Specialised in the Fashion Industries
Examining the specific nature of the fashion economy causes us automatically to question the two sides of a fashion product: the material element and the immaterial element. In order to envisage how these characteristics play out, it seems interesting to us to examine the role played by the cities that are specialised in the fashion industries. The globalisation of the manufacturing of fashion products, for all product ranges, is now unavoidable. In addition, all creative activity remains concentrated in a few capital cities. Manufacturers of luxury products are, for the most part, located in capitals. The Paris, London or Milan shows remain the ones with the most media coverage. Economists have taken a keen interest in the question of the concentration of industrial activities in a precise place or region; and their thoughts are, we will see, enlightening in terms of understanding this phenomenon of concentration of fashion activity in big capital cities.
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