Adrian Kammarti
Fashion theory
Assistant Professor at IFM and PhD student at Paris 1 Sorbonne University.
Research areas
- Fashion and anti-fashion
- Utopias and dress reform projects
- Countercultural dress
- Conceptual fashion
My work deals with discourse against fashion in France from 1780 to 1980. More generally I am interested in social attempts to escape from fashion (anti-fashion movements). I have co-founded the Sartoria association for research in history of fashion and arts.
- Paris 1 University - Panthéon-Sorbonne / History of Art Master 2 (2018)
- Institut Français de la Mode / Mastère Spécialisé® Management de la Mode & du Luxe (2017)
- Sciences Po Grenoble / Institut d’Etudes Politiques Master (2016)
Other publicaitons
- L’anti-mode aujourd’hui
- 19 regards sur la mode, IFM Regards (à paraître, 2022)