Caroline Ardelet obtains her Habilitation to Direct Research
We are delighted to announce that Caroline Ardelet, professor and researcher at IFM, has successfully obtained her Habilitation to Direct Research (HDR) following a defense held on July 11th at Paris Dauphine University - PSL. Her thesis, entitled "Me, myself and I: Sensorial Marketing Practices in the Service of the Self-importance Imperative," was very well received by the jury.
The jury was composed of the following professors:
- Valérie Guillard, Professor at Paris Dauphine University - President
- Laurent Bertrandias, Professor at TBS Education - Reviewer
- Alain Decrop, Professor at the University of Namur - Reviewer
- Sandra Laporte, Professor at Toulouse School of Management - Reviewer
- Marie-Hélène Fosse Gomez, Professor at IAE Lille - Examiner
- Nathalie Fleck, Professor at Paris Dauphine University - HDR Director
The HDR is the highest academic qualification in France, and this achievement will enable Caroline to supervise doctoral theses, thereby enhancing her influence and leadership in the academic field.