"Fashion Dreamers"
« Fashion Dreamers »: students from IFM, New York FIT and Hong Kong Polytechnic University directed 8 films during the Global Fashion Management Executive MBA 10-day intensive seminar.
These films meant to explore the creative universes and processes, as well as the visions of 4 fashion designers: Anne Valérie Hash, Garance Broca-Husson (Monsieur Lacenaire), Gustavo Lins and Jérôme Dreyfuss.
This exercise of collectively creating a documentary allowed students, coached by professional fashion/movie teams to:
- understand the common points between cinema and fashion industry and especially the importance of emotion and storytelling, as well as their technical constraints and possibilities
- experiment the way a movie is made and the different métiers (Producer, Director/Images, Screen Writer, Sound & Music, Editor) and the skills it involves
- work in multicultural teams.
Three prizes were awarded by the public and the jury during the seminar's closing ceremony:
- Best Story: Chemins Croisés / Crossed Paths (Gustavo Lins) and it's playtime (Garance Broca)
- Best Director: it's playtime (Garance Broca)
- Singularity: The Cut (Anne Valérie Hash) et it's playtime (Garance Broca)
Jury (photo, left to right, from bottom):
Dominique Marzotto
(eQuinoxetbc), Amélier Rouyer (IFM), Véronique Schilling (IFM), Anne
Valérie Hash, Nathalie Lemesle, Noëlle Deschamps (eQuinoxetbc), Garance
Broca, Valérie Van de Walle (IFM) – (en haut) Pamela Ellsworth (FIT),
Sandrine Pannetier, Benoit Vanden Abeele, Nicolas Bertrand, Deborah
Braun, Thomas Fernandez, Jayne Estève Curé (IFM), Martine Leherpeur
(IFM), Alexandre Martin Aldevert, Liu Wing Sun (PolyU), Gustavo Lins.