Results for your search: couture
Understanding the Role of Professional Organisations in Supporting the Development of the Creative Industries at the Local and Global Levels: Paris as the Global Node for the Fashion Industry (1973–2011)
Using a Professional Organization to Enhance its Reputation. The Case of the Parisian Haute Couture. A Longitudinal Study (1973-2008)
Une révolution dans la mode : le prêt-à-porter des couturiers parisiens (1965-2000)
How to Maintain Fashion Vitality in A Competitive Environment. Business Models for Haute Couture and Fashion: Capturing Value in the Parisian Fashion Industry
Haute Couture et avant-garde : le cas de la revue Heim (1930-1937)
Couturiers historiographes : écrire l’histoire de la mode. Le cas de Gaston Worth (1895)