Results for your search: caroline ardelet
Master of Arts in Fashion Design - Pathways in Accessory Design, Fashion Design, Knitwear Design, Fashion Image
Within sniffing distance: impact of ambient scent and physical distancing on consumer comfort with frontline employees
When a clean scent soothes the soul: Developing a positive attitude toward sharing service space with strangers
Une perspective historique sur le comportement du consommateur dans la mode : attitude à l’égard de la nouveauté et de la publicité
Self-referencing narratives to predict consumers' preferences in the luxury industry: A longitudinal study
On the Influence of Web Users' Opinions: the Role of Social Presence and Expertise
Mobile advertising: The effect of tablet tilt angle on user’s purchase intentions
Ethical judgments of sexualized ads featuring Women: The role of identification with feminine archetypes
Entre crainte et désir pour les objets connectés: Comprendre l'ambivalence des consommateurs
Consentement à l’effort et Covid-19 : les apports du management par le care au management public
Caroline Ardelet obtains her Habilitation to Direct Research
A quand remonte le marketing du point de vente en France ? La pratique de la science de l’étalage dans les magasins de nouveautés entre 1910 et 1938
“Sound and safe”: The effect of ambient sound on the perceived safety of public spaces