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How industry 4.0 may impact relationship between brands and manufacturers in the fashion and luxury industry
How Brands Can Build Successful Relationships with Influencers
Tissus témoins : le trousseau de mariage d’Andréa de Bortoli
Mobile advertising: The effect of tablet tilt angle on user’s purchase intentions
Le Showroom de mode comme espace de médiation de la subjectivation matérielle, in Terrains/Théories
Using the Evaluative Space Grid to better capture manifest ambivalence in customer satisfaction surveys
The Transmediterranean Routes of Fashion: Between Material Expression and Artistic Representation
How to Maintain Fashion Vitality in A Competitive Environment. Business Models for Haute Couture and Fashion: Capturing Value in the Parisian Fashion Industry
Fashion Discourses in France: Towards a Critical Historiography
The Design of Pictorial Ontologies: From Unstitched Imaginaries to Stitched Images
Understanding the Role of Professional Organisations in Supporting the Development of the Creative Industries at the Local and Global Levels: Paris as the Global Node for the Fashion Industry (1973–2011)
A Repository of Mediterranean Memories: How a Ritual Dress Has Become a UNESCO Cultural Heritage of Humanity
Haute Couture et avant-garde : le cas de la revue Heim (1930-1937)
Couturiers historiographes : écrire l’histoire de la mode. Le cas de Gaston Worth (1895)
Entre crainte et désir pour les objets connectés: Comprendre l'ambivalence des consommateurs
L’ensemblier : un acteur du luxe. De Paul Poiret à Gaston-Louis Vuitton